
    You have now thoroughly viewed three fishing kayaks and their specs and pictures. I hope this site has helped you or introduced you to something new! If this site helped you I would love to hear your feedback1 I will provide my email address at the bottom of the page if you want to give any feedback or any possible questions or problems you have with the site! I know by doing the research for this site it helped me learn a lot about kayaks and especially these three specific kayaks. The Coosa HD is a fantastic kayak if your on a budget! The included accessories make it a breeze to hop right in and go! The Hobie kayaks are very stable kayaks and have the mirage drive so that your hands are free to fish and you use your feet to paddle! Although the Hobie are great they come at a steep price $3,000 roughly! They are very well made kayaks and keep their value for years if kept properly. They are an investment piece for serious fisherman! I hope my site has helped you come to a decision about what kayak to get if you were looking at any of these! As stated earlier I welcome all questions and would love to help compare other kayaks for you as well! The Coosa HD is great for rivers if you ever plan to fish in a river! The Hobie's are fantastic for lakes and oceans and inlet flat water! Make sure to take a camera to capture all your adventures out on the water! I hope to hear and see many photos and videos from kayak anglers in the future!